This vehicle is intended for transportation of people, explosives and other materials in non-explosive underground excavations of metal ores and mineral mines.
The vehicle is constructed on the basis of an ISUZU vehicle chassis which is characterized by excellent drive dynamics in various road and difficult terrain conditions. The vehicle is designed to reach the destination place in an easy, significantly fast and safe way.
Each vehicle may become adapted to conditions requested by clients.
The vehicles we produce are in compliance with the regulation of the Council of Ministers of 30 April 2004 pos. 1003 on admission of products in mines and PN-EN-1889-1:2006 “Machines For Underground Mines - Mobile Machines Working Underground - Safety - Part 1: Rubber Tyred Vehicles.” Vehicles are intended for transportation of a driver and 9 passengers or 800 kg of explosives and other materials.
The condition to use the vehicle in underground excavations is the approval of the President of the State Mining Authority (WUG) Ref. No. GG-820/0022/10/22964/MS of 31 December 2010.
The reduction gear transmission set to operate in heavy terrain conditions powers all four wheels of the vehicle in order to maintain its driving properties which allow for mobility in various conditions with constant speed.
There is a possibility to install a vehicle operating system.
The system enables collection of vehicle-related data i.e.:
- vehicle operation time,
- vehicle speed,
- engine rpm,
- fuel consumption,
- engine operating temperature,
- oil level,
- pressure in a suspension hydraulic system.
More information: Mirosław Toboła, +48 693 545 504